Vitamin C Dosing for Animals
At Megatech we have a passion for animals and their wellbeing. Please view the below document regarding Emergency or Casual Vitamin C Dosing for all species.
Using VITAMIN C Therapeutically (you can buy Sodium Ascorbate in a foil pack at most chemists, Melrose brand in Australia for $15 and it goes a long way)
The great advantage of Vitamin C is that anaphylaxis does not occur and the variety of snake does not matter. Vitamin C is cheap, easy to store and taking it on a hunting trip is no problem. All you need is a 20 ml syringe, some largish needles – say No 18 – and the bottle of Vitamin C. Dr Glen Dettman, a retired pathologist, said he has used Vitamin C on many situations.
A dog in a tick paralysis, other types of tick bites, spider bites, dogs with Parvo, tetanus following a terrible injury from a car, and in cases of shock – all with unfailing success. Vitamin C can be used as crushed tablets or powder straight into the mouth in cases of sickness.
Red Back Spider Bite
TOPICALLY: rub on some Vitamin C powder (e.g. sodium ascorbate powder) to the bite area to get rid fo the pain.
ORAL DOSING: of vitamin C Immediately to stop the poison spreading.
Humans – add a teaspoon and dissolve in some warm water and sip until all is gone.
Pets – give it orally with a oral syringe side of mouth.
FAST TREATMENT for poisnous bites of a SNAKE BITES
For TICK BITES (give half the amount, and repeat hourly – 4 repeats daily)
Vitamin C is a natural effective antidote to venom.
Can use Vitamin C either – “Orally” or by “injection” (which is painful).
“Oral Dosing” with Vitamin C – Instructions
Easy dosing of vitamin C crystals. Dissolve in some water. (or crush vitamin C tablets if that is all you have on hand or buy the crystal vitamin C (sodium ascorbate vitamin C crystals) or calcium ascorbate is fine if sodium ascorbate is not available at the time) Available at most Health food stores. Use a oral syringe to give the dissolve vitamin c in liquid in side of mouth – small sips at a time.
– HORSE / COW / SHEEP – Vit C powder, dissolve 5 tsps in 1 cup of filtered water, oral syringe small amounts at a time until approx. 20ml is taken, then repeat again every 15 minutes.
– DOG / KID / SWINE / DOE – Vit C powder, dissovle 5 tsps in 1 cup of filtered water, oral syringe small amounts at a time until approx. 15ml is taken, repeat again every 15 minutes
– CAT/ TOY DOG / SMALL ANIMAL – Vit C powder, dissolve 3 tsps in 1 cup of filtered water and oral syringe small amounts at a time until approx. 10ml is taken, repeat again every 15 minutes
SNAKE BITES – Continue for at least 20 oral dosings. 4 hours. Upon animal improvement – pupils back to normal and breathing good. Can stop or reduce to casual three times a day if you feel still not 100%. Use the homeopathic Snake bite detox as well if you have it.
“Injectable Dosing” with Vitamin C instructions
Make sure the brand is 2mls per gram and not 4mls per gram, otherwise you need twice as much at twice the cost. This is a painful method. I mentioned the size of the needles as 19 or thereabouts because the stuff can be slightly glutinous and speed is generally all important on the occasions when it is needed.
– HORSE / COW / SHEEP – approx. inject 20ml into vein every 1/2 hr
– DOG / KID / SWINE / DOE – approx. inject 15ml into vein every 1/2 hour
– CAT / TOY DOG / SMALL ANIMAL – approx. inject 8ml-10ml into vein every 1/2 hr
Prevention or Treatment from “Chronic ill health” and Diseases and Conditions.
Some helpful information using natural products that are available from your Health Food stores. There many types of natural Vitamin C Powders to Use. We recommended the dissovable Sodium Ascorbate Powder (Vitamin C) which is a fine powder which can be diluted dissolve in fluids and given orally or add to meals.
Because it can be dissolved in water we often suggest this one for Oral dosing in time of illness and stress. All available on our online store (HAMPL Store) or from your local Health Food Store.
Pet Vitamin Researcher, Wendell Belfield, DVM, believes a number of pet diseases to be forms of sub clinical scurvy, the Vitamin C deficiency disease.
Some of these in DOGS include:
Hip dysplasia
spinal myelopathy
ruptured disc
vital disease,
and skin problems.
In CATS, Wendell Belfield, DVM attribute killer viral disease including:
Feline leukemia
FUS (feline urologic syndrome)
Fading kitten deaths (pneumonia)
Poor coat
And general ill health to sub-clinical scurvy due to lack of Vitamin C.
The common wisdom is that humans, other primates, guinea pigs, and a few birds need to get vitamin C in their diets.
Since the rest of the animals produce it within their own bodies, they no doubt make enough, right? Well, maybe not. In this article, a doctor of veterinary medicine looks at the effects of vitamin C supplementation in dogs and its benefit in fighting arthritis, and other ailments.
Dogs of all ages suffer with various joint and spinal disorders, including hip dysplasia, osteoarthritis, non-specific arthritis, osteochrondritis, spondylitis and spondylosis.
Conventional Treatment – often consists of rest. surgery and / or steroids, nonspecific anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), aspirin, penicillamine or methotrexate. Many therapeutic compounds produce only short-term benefits and may actually accelerate the progression of joint destruction.
Alternative treatment – nutritional considerations Vitamin C is a vital nutrient in bone and cartilage metabolism. Although dogs, unlike humans, can manufacture their own vitamin C, they may not produce enough to counter the effects of aging, stress, inherited dysfunctions, environmental irritants and poor quality or high fat pet foods. In fact, early studies in dogs and horses suggest that daily vitamin C supplementation might be beneficial in reducing chronic inflammation.
How much vitamin C to use?
Vitamin C is completely non-toxic, so it cannot harm your animal if you give him more than he needs.
However, there is a simple method, called the bowel tolerance method, that will help you to work out how much C your animal needs (each animal’s requirement will vary, the sicker they are the more they will take and need until it causes loose stools / diarrhoea.
This is not dangerous – simply reduce the dose and the diarrhoea stops.
Vitamin C is water-soluble, which means that any excess will leave the body with the pet’s urine.
Example: A daily supplement of vitamin C at the rate of about 50-100mg per kilogram your dog weighs will do no harm and can only ensure the continuing good health of your dog. For example: a dog undergoing slight stress should be fed 100mg per kg; moderately stressed dogs should be given 200mg per kg; those suffering heavy stress should be given 300mg per kg; and those subject to very heavy stress should have 350mg of vitamin C per kg of their own weight. However Cancer pets need large amounts regularly.
If I told you that there was a magic vitamin that would help your dog to stay young and supple; that it would maintain healthy bones, teeth, blood system, and sex organs; and help to prevent allergic reactions . . .
If I told you that this magic vitamin would protect your dog against toxic insults – from substances like arsenic and lead which are all too common in our modern world; and that it would help him to resist infectious diseases and overcome stress . . .
And if I told you that bleeding gums, loose teeth, muscle and joint pains, weakness, gingivitis, irritability and skin, eye and nose hemorrhages might be due to the fact that he isn’t given this magic vitamin . . . would you rush out and get some? Luckily, there’s nothing magic about it, for this vitamin in question is the common or garden
Fact: every pet should be given extra vitamin C in his diet.
Example: small dogs or cats: give a pinch in each meal given. It’s one of the most important vitamins on the planet. And while you’re at it, take some yourself!
​Here’s a few other facts about vitamin C
a high concentration of vitamin C is needed by the adrenal gland to produce anti-stress hormones – so if your pet is undergoing stress of any sort, extra vitamin C will be most beneficial. If he works, or takes lots of physical exercise, C will ensure the full potential of muscle energy.
Animals with anaemia caused by “iron deficiency ” should take vitamin C and magnesium with every dose of iron supplementation.
Vit C can help animals with respiratory problems by reducing the symptoms of attack, and by increasing resistance to bacterial and viral infections.
Malignant cancers can be treated with high doses of vitamin C is as used in bladder cancer, breast cancer (mammary tumours), and cancer of the colon.
Cataracts have been proven to be prevented in humans with daily doses of vitamin B2, vitamin C.
High blood cholesterol levels can be reduced by taking vitamin C. This clever little vitamin is routinely given to (human) patients undergoing surgery and those recovering from accidental injury – why?
To accelerate the healing process – because the rate of wound healing depends upon the rate of production of collagen, and collagen itself depends upon vitamin C. Some astute vets are recommending vitamin C for patients who have recently undergone surgery. It is even thought that vitamin C can reduce the incidence of hip dysplasia. This, again, is connected to the manufacture of collagen within the body.
An American vet, Dr Wendell Belfield conducted an experiment: eight litters of German Shepherd puppies from dysplasic parents, or parents known to have produced dysplasic offspring, were given mega doses of vitamin C. The pregnant mums were given vitamin C, too. When X-rayed at two years of age, all pups were dysplasia free.
In another study, conducted by the Groruddalen Small Animal Senter in Oslo, 76 dogs of various breeds and age were given 30mgs of C-flex, a form of vitamin C, daily.
All 76 dogs had either joint injuries with secondary, permanent changes; arthrosis, spondylosis hip dysplasia; older disc prolapse with secondary, permanent changes; muscle atrophication as a result of functional loss; or senile wear changes in their support and motion systems.
After one week, 76.3% had shown good improvement or were free of symptoms; this rose to 84.2% after six weeks.
Conclusion: if you have a dog that limps, or an old dog with arthritis or muscular pain, then vitamin C can only help.
Vaccinations severely deplete a animal of Vitamin C
The essential vitamin known as vitamin C is one of the most important elements in an individual’s daily diet. We need Vitamin C to help contribute to good cellular growth, promote function of the circulatory system, and generally help our bodies to develop and maintain themselves. A vitamin C deficiency is a serious issue, and should be caught early and treated with natural foods or dietary supplements that contain plenty of this critical ingredient. Lots of medical experts agree that a vitamin C deficiency is fairly uncommon in most modern societies. Infant formulas and other food sources are fortified with vitamin C in order to prevent some forms of deficiency of this essential nutrient.
Using a natural vitamin c to restore your pets health. E.g “wholefood vitamin C” adding powder from caps in daily meals ongoing.
Symptoms of a Vitamin C Deficiency
A variety of symptoms will show that an individual is suffering from a vitamin C deficiency. Here are some of the top signs of this kind of shortage in the system.
1. Fatigue – Early on, a pet with a vitamin C deficiency will tend to get tired easily and experience reduced
energy. Because chronic fatigue is a symptom of so many illnesses, it can be hard to catch a specific
condition based on this symptom.
2. Behavior Changes – pets with a vitamin C deficiency may become irritable or short tempered.
3. Weight Loss – As with other “wasting conditions” a pet with a vitamin C deficiency may experience sudden
weight loss.
4. Joint and Muscle Aches – Chronic pain in the limbs or joints can be a symptom of a vitamin deficiency.
5. Bruising – pets with a vitamin C deficiency will tend to bruise easily. Excessive bruising is a sign that the body’s
chemistry needs to be improved.
6. Gum Disease (e.g gingivitis) – Just as a healthy daily dose of vitamin C contributes to healthy teeth and gums,
a deficiency can cause deterioration of the gums. Periodontal problems are a symptom of a vitamin C
deficiency that has been allowed to develop to a hazardous level.
7. Dry Fur and Skin – A change in fur and skin conditions can also signal that the body is not getting enough of
vitamin C and other essential vitamins and minerals.
8. Infections – When an individual does not have enough vitamin C over time, this can have a negative impact
on general healing of wounds and the fighting of infections. Generally, the body’s immune system will be
Other Beneficial Vitamin Supplements
ALL these supplements available at all Good Health Food Stores
Kelp Powder
Kelp (seaweed) contains over 60 minerals and elements, 21 amino acids, simple and complex carbohydrates and several essential plant growth hormones. Being rich in amino acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements is one of the key reasons why kelp is known as a great promoter of health.
Benefits of Kelp Contains over 60 minerals and elements, 21 amino acids, simple and complex carbohydrates and several essential plant growth hormones. Being rich in amino acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements is one of the key reasons why kelp is known as a great promoter of glandular health, especially for the pituitary, adrenal and thyroid glands. Kelp also supplies a natural source of iodine, which acts as an antibiotic to kill germs. Since the thyroid and pituitary glands regulate certain functions of digestion, kelp is beneficial in balancing out the animal’s total system. Nature has offered us this marvelous “herb of the sea” in a complete and balanced form.
Feeding kelp meal to your pet promotes:
Shiny hair coat and supple skin – Healthier and stronger newborns – Improved milk production in lactating bitches and queens – Improved reproductive performance both for male and female – Aids in the healing process by offering the vitamins and minerals necessary for tissue repair – Better utilization and absorption of nutrients from foods ingested – Very rich in B-carotene, the tocopherols (Vitamin E) niacin, thiamine, and ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) as well as other vitamins in varying but balanced proportions. A natural balanced diet should have the kelp powder mixed in with their other supplements which are added daily to their raw meat meals and vegies.
Apple Cider Vinegar ( brown not white)
A good natural detoxifier for dogs with allergy , skin and coat problems, excess mucous, obesity. Used in natural raw meat diet as a digestive enzyme, it may be enough for an enzyme-deficient dog.
Example – bloating after a meal, unable to gain weight, digestion problems. For a dog on chemical diuretics or heart medication, it can often replace potassium supplements that are lost through medication.
Use it after exhaustion or heatstroke (electrolyte balance) rather than salt. Daily supplement can be a good immune booster, and be less likely have fleas or intestinal worms, it also increases a pet’s resistance to disease and their ability to repair injuries.
In fresh daily drinking water add: 2 to 4 teaspoons in a medium size bowl for general health maintenance. Cats and dogs can share this fresh water daily. OR for Cats add a little to food.
Best type of animal feeding/drinking bowls are made from stainless steel, ceramic or glass. AVIOD – aluminium and plastic drinking and eating bowls.
​For promoting hair growth, healing sore skin, and as an Anti-Itch Solution.
– Put 1 teaspoon of apple cider, 10ML of COLLIODAL SILVER (anti-fungal / virus / bacteria) to approx. 20 drops of calendula tincture into an empty 1 litre spray bottle and spray on affected areas 3 x daily. Use half the dosage mix if using a smaller spray bottle or bowl
B-Complex Vitamin Supplement
This vitamin in general reduces pain and protects the body of stress, also required for emotional and mental health of your dog.
Deficiencies in B Vitamins: Many dog behavioural problems can be B deficient, an animal with cataracts, adrenal problems, skin allergies, skin disorders, blood vessel disease, learning difficulties, anaemia, runny eyes, slow weight gain or growth, erratic appetite, stool eating, all need B-complex supplementation. Meat is fed raw in the natural diet primarily because when meat is cooked or minced, B-vitamins and digestive enzymes are lost, dog’s are carnivores after all. Note: If using Brewers Yeast , be aware some dog’s are allergic to Brewers Yeast supplement (has the B-Vitamins).Use a low potency human B-complex supplement and always crush the tablet before adding to your dog’s daily meals.
Natural Treatment for Distemper:
​For a dog weighting about 4 kilos, mix two teaspoons of sodium ascorbate type of vitamin C powder in filtered water or goats milk and give orally. Repeat every hour for 4 repeats. Repeat each day until fully well again. OR eight cc of vitamin C by injection in the muscle will be all that is needed to stop the symptoms immediately.
*** If caught early pet will rarely need to be given a second dose. This works equally as well for hard pad and parvo virus.
Natural Treatment for Parvo Virus:
Signs are, as with other kinds of distemper, lack of appetite, diarrhoea and vomiting accompanied by very quick dehydration. – If a dog has parvo a medium sized dog would get approx. 10 grams of sodium ascorbate vitamin C powder diluted in some filtered water and give orally with a oral syringe.
If your dog is already at the vets, ask them to administer this Vit C by injection into the muscle and repeat if necessary daily. If not at a vet, then dose orally – mix the white powder into some small amount of water and dissolve, syringe into side of mouth 2 to 3 x daily until symptoms improve.
* Defense and maintenance of Parvo – dose of vit C ( in the form sodium ascorbate powder ) if parvo was around a daily dose of half a gram for small dogs, going up the scale for large dogs.
Natural treatment for Hip Dysplasia
Vit C (sodium ascorbate acid) in large amounts added to meals or dilute in water and oral syringe. To prevent loose stools, small doses 4 times a day.
A vet can give 200 gm intravenous doses on a large Labrador over a few days. Restores use in the hips. For a Dachshund dog that lost the use of its back legs, he was given 15 grams intravenously and next day it was perfectly recovered.
Noni Juice extract
iAssists in Cell Regeneration!! & Restoration. Highly recommended FOR ALL ANIMALS AND HUMANS. Noni Fruit, this form as well as the Noni Juice has miraculous regenerative powers the body needs, because it causes the body to revitalise, and renew damaged cells. .. including kidney cells repair. The active substance in the juice ‘Xeronine’ acts like a ‘manufacturing supervisor’ for cell production. If it encounters an unhealthy cell, it will encompass and enclose it, not letting it reproduce. Noni juice has been known to also retard tumour growth in this manner. Another excellent fruit and works on ALL animals e.g. digestive system, chest infection, internal disorders, skin infections, mouth / throat infections. It cleanses a pet’s body when having Chemotherapy treatments
Flaxseed Oil (Autoimmune disorder / Lupus)
Among other remedies we also use flaxseed for part of the healing of cancer with people and animals. (always mix oil with some cottage cheese to help absorb oil correctly) It is good to add a little into your pets daily meals for skin problems.
I like to add 2 teaspoon of Oil into my dog?s plain yogurt or goats milk in the mornings.
For Cancer dogs: add 1 tablespoon in 1/2 cup of cottage cheese or plain yogurt or goats milk
3 x daily for min 10 weeks continue until cancer is been completly clear.
For Cancer cats: add 1/2 to 1 teaspoon in a 1 tablespoon of plain cottage cheese or plain yogurt or goats milk, 3 x daily if possible.
Flaxseed may prove useful in the nutritional management of patients (human and animal ) with auto-immune diseases. For example, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an inflammatory disease that occurs mainly in young women. It is characterized by a variety of clinical findings, including inflammation of the kidney (nephritis).
Studies show that patients with SLE exhibit increased production of platelet-activating factor (PAF), a mediator of immune response and promoter of platelet aggregation. Dietary flaxseed has provided significant benefits in animal models of lupus nephritis and in patients with this condition
In one study of nine patients with lupus nephritis, PAF-induced platelet aggregation was inhibited and renal function improved when subjects consumed 15 to 45 g flaxseed/day for four weeks.
Lignan component of flaxseed is believed to be responsible for this effect.
Flaxseed favourably influences immune response.
The flaxseed component, ALA, alters membrane phospholipids, inhibits arachidonic acid biosynthesis from linoleic acid, inhibits the production of pro-inflammatory eicosanoids from arachidonic acid, and suppresses lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine production.
22, 23 Flaxseed lignans are potent inhibitors of platelet-activating factor, a mediator of inflammation.3
Through these effects, flaxseed has the potential to be used for the treatment of disorders characterized in part by activated lymphocytes and a hyper-stimulated immune response.
Such disorders include rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus.
1. Kelley DS, et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 1991;53:40-46. 2. Blackburn GL. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1992;200:183-188. 3. Parbtani A and Clark WF.
In: Flaxseed in Human Nutrition. Cunnane SC and Thompson LU, eds. Champaign, IL: AOCS Press, 1995, pp. 244-260. 4. Caughey GE, et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 1996;63:116-122. 5. Mantzioris E, et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 1994;59:1304-1309. 6. Cunnane SC, et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 1994;61:62-68. 7. Ferrier LK, et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 1995;62:81-86. 8. Whelan J, et al. Lipids. 1991;26:119-126. 9. Wallace JL and Chin BC. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1997;214:192-203. 10. Calder PC, et al. Immunology. 1992;75:108-115. 11. Hwang D. FASEB J. 1989;3:2052-2061. 12. Wu D, et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 1996;63:273-280. 13. Adam O, et al. J Lipid Res. 1986;27:421-426. 14. Ferretti A and Flanagan VP. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 1996;54:451-455. 15. Abbas AK, et al. Cellular and Molecular Immunology. Philadelphia, PA: W. B. Saunders Company, 1994, pp. 9-10, 240-260. 16. Arend WP and Dayer J-M. Arthritis Rheum. 1990;33:305-315. 17. Watanabe S, et al. Life Sci. 1991;48:2013-2020. 18. Endres S. Lipids. 1996;31(Suppl):S239-S242. 19. Tetta C, et al. Int Arch Allergy Appl Immunol. 1990;91:244-256. 20. Clark WF, et al. Kidney Int. 1995;48:475-480. 21. Ingram AJ, et al. Am J Kidney Dis. 1995;25:320-329. 22. Leaf A and Weber PC. N Engl J Med. 1988;318:549-557. 23. Nair SSD, et al. J Nutr. 1997;127:383-393. 24. Blok WL, et al. J Nutr. 1996;126:1515-1533.
Lucerne Tea
Good for a sick horse. As an enriching tea it is given to horses that are ill. Put one biscuit of lucerne hay into a suitably sized container then pour over enough boiling water to just cover the hay. Cover immediately to stop steam escaping and let steam for an hour or so. Drain the hay and give the liquid tepid. About half a cup of unprocessed honey may be added and dissolved.
Spirulina (powder)
It contains appreciable amounts of vitamin A (as beta-carotene), B1,2,3,612, folic acid, biotin, pantothenic acid or B5, inosital, bioflavonoids from rutin, and some vitamin E. It is high in essential fatty acids, linoleic and gamma linolenic acid. It is high in calcium and potassium as well as containing magnesium, phosphorous, sodium, iron , manganese, zinc ,copper, selenium and chromium
NOTE: Spirulina is not just a source of vitamins, minerals, cell salts, enzymes and trace elements. It has a remarkable ability to detoxify the body, regulate metabolism and maintain a strong, healthy immune system. Some of the nutirition support For Cancer (animals) patients:
Spirulina works as an antioxidant to help stimulate macrophages to destroy invading organisms and carcinogens. Add to daily meals.
Ginger Extract – prevents tumour formations – humans and animals.
Grape Seed/Compound liquid herbal extract- Slows cancer cell growths, a very powerful antioxidant.
Aloe Vera (fresh from Your Plant at home)
(If you want to buy the Aloe Vera Juice or gel- suitable for DOGS ONLY)
CAUTION : The sodium benzoate or benzoic acid as a preservative in the commercial product is poisonous to cats.
If not using plant from home for your cat- Buy the Aloe Vera POWDER in Capsules for your CAT
This is an excellent topical application. Apply the gel from the plant leaf every fifteen minutes to half an hour for fresh burns, it will help quell the pain, then three times a day until healing is noticed. – It is also a drying agent and will heal ulcerous sores. Use only pure fresh gel from the plant.
​Use Aloe Vera Juice for detox for a pet, who has skin problems and needs to detoxified from the chemical drugs and start again with natural healing remedies and diet
Evening Primrose Oil
Hormonal imbalances – eg. incontinence, degeneration of the spine & hip dysplasia for the larger breed dogs eg German Shepards, Rottweilers …… eg. Add 5/6 capsules for a med/large dog in to daily meals – 2 daily until signs are corrected.
Use the oil for arthritis conditions, atopic eczema, cystic fibrosis, hypertension (HEART), inflammation, hyperactivity, rheumatoid arthritis, skin disorders, obesity.
Lecithin Grains
Use 1 teaspoon daily for dogs, and 1/4 teaspoon for cats, protects and covers nerves, spinal or nerve problems, good to add a teaspoon in daily meals for the older dog and cats – protects heart. Elderly cats/dogs require a natural diet with added Lecithin to add protection for a strong heart.
Lecithin Grains
Use 1 teaspoon daily for dogs, and 1/4 teaspoon for cats, protects and covers nerves, spinal or nerve problems, good to add a teaspoon in daily meals for the older dog and cats – protects heart. Elderly cats/dogs require a natural diet with added Lecithin to add protection for a strong heart.
Works as an intestinal cleanser. Also helps prevent fungus, diverticulosis, acne, and bad breath. It helps in the absorption of calcium as well as other minerals.
Fresh Garlic
It lowers high blood pressure and blood sugar, reduces blood cholesterol levels, builds the immune system to resist or throw off disease. Use fresh chopped garlic gloves for your dogs in meals – arthritic and dysplasyia, immune builder, flea’s are also repelled by garlic
Organic Neem Seed Oil
Flea/ tick / mosquitos repellant for – Dogs / Puppies
Excellent herb for ridding and repelling FLEA, MOSQUITOS, ECZEMA, MANGE in DOG/PUPPIES.
Add 3 or 5 mls to 1litre of pet’s natural shampoo bottle wash regularly for the first few weeks.
For Daily protection of Fleas and Mosquitos spray on body / coat diluted in water in a empty spray bottle. 50ml, 100ml, 200ml Bottles available for DOGS / PUPPIES.
Natural Flea Repellant for Feline and Canines
Borax powder sprinkled thru out the carpet areas of the house, and outside in sandy areas where pets may lay.
Vaccum carpets after a couple of days or sprinkling. Borax will get rid fleas as well as the eggs, without using toxic fumes or chemicals.
Chlorophyll Is another detoxifier and tonic, is catabolic and anabolic in action. It is a blood cleanser/detoxifier, and red blood cell builder. Good for hypoglycemic or diabetes in dog or cat – balances blood sugar levels. For detoxifying from illness, skin disease, over use of chemical drugs, we often add liquid Chlorophyll with Aloe Vera Juice together in the pets water dish daily. Liquid chlorophyll is a whole food rather than medication.
CAT: Use: 1/8 teaspoon three times a day for cats with diarrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome, oily coat, skin problems, and FIP( feline Infectious Perenitis)
DOG: you can use 3 teaspoons in their meals per day for a dog.
With all the purported “research” which has been done on human nutrition in the last few decades, scientists still have been unable to agree on what humans need for optimal good health.
The Food and Drug Administration, the government agency responsible for establishing Recommended Dietary Allowances, repeatedly has bowed to corporate interests instead of keeping human food products safe, and nutritional requirements true. Despite the fact that cancer, heart disease and other illnesses are rapidly rising, the FDA continues to disparage anyone who tries to establish a link between poor nutrition and disease.
I do hope all this information is helpful, work with a caring Vet along side all the above information to assist your pet back to health and wellbeing, safely and naturally